Texte Oui-Yes Informatique pour Tous!

 make  computing  and  the  world  wide  web   accessible  to  all

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Contacts - Who we are

Our location

     Oui-Yes Computing for All! was modestly founded in July 1997 in Sherbrooke Quebec Canada with the mission to promote computing and the World Wide Web to a class of people who had never been exposed or were never solicited to it before.

     Business Mission such as inscribed above, evolves from a will to serve the customer in all respect. The mission which covers as much the commercial as the private sector is aimed at the recuperation, refurbishing and placing back in service passed or not  used computing equipment,

     We also can provide new equipment upon request or as things go.

Please, contact us by e-mail for more details.

Oui-Yes informatique pour tous!  Computing for All!
Tous droits réservés -- All right reserved
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